Sunday, March 25, 2012

Government's Gang Bang of Workplace Privacy - Hypocrisy Unlimited

"The FBI, the CIA, the Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. military and the Federal Reserve systematically monitor social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter. Tens of millions of us have compiled incredibly detailed dossiers on ourselves and have put them out there for the entire world to see.

"The Obama campaign has launched “truth teams" which are scouring the Internet for any rumors that are “not true” (in their opinion) about Barack Obama during the 2012 presidential campaign. So if you post something on the Internet about Barack Obama that the Obama campaign does not consider to be truthful, there is a good chance that a “truth team” will be examining what you have written. (I am sure they have a long list for me.)

"The FBI has hired a company in Virginia to systematically record talk radio programs (including Internet talk radio programs) all over the United States.  The goal of this effort is to collect “potential evidence”, whatever thaissue is looking to develop a Web app that can continuously monitor social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace, as well as various news feeds.

"The CIA, not surprisingly, is a long way ahead of the FBI in monitoring social media.  If you are an "activist" on the Internet, the CIA probably knows you very well.  (My name is spelled with a "K" in case you are reading) Indeed, in an anonymous industrial park in Virginia, in an unassuming brick building, the CIA is following tweets — up to 5 million a day. At the agency's Open Source Center, a team known affectionately as the "vengeful librarians" also pores over Facebook, newspapers, TV news channels, local radio stations, Internet chat rooms — anything overseas that anyone can access and contribute to openly."

The Department of Homeland Security has gotten in on the gang bang of personal privacy, admitting they have created fake Twitter and Facebook profiles for the specific purpose of scanning the networks for 'sensitive' words - and tracking people who use them.

One might surmise that the federal government not only has no problem with invading the privacy of individual Americans but encourages it.

And one would be right, and wrong.

Two U.S. senators are asking Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate whether employers asking for Facebook passwords during job interviews are violating federal law. (Seems a lightweight request for a guy who seems to have no problem or apology for government gun-running). Nonetheless, Democratic Sens. Chuck Schumer of New York and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut (neither whom have objected to government's rampant rape of social media) said they are calling on the Department of Justice and the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to launch investigations against private employers.

Such in-your-face hypocrisy cannot be missed even by the slowest of pours.

On what strained theory should private employers, not limited by Constitutionsl prohibitions of unreasonable searches and seizures and privacy, be prohibited from doing precisely what the federal government does as its warmup act?

When it comes to private employers, applicants can (and in my opinion should) tell them to pound sand before giving up private social media information. For me, even the request would end the interview.

The federal government is different. There is no way for any of us to deny their requests, because there are no requests, just forced incursions.

We are not even given the courtesy to know when or how we are violated.

*Certain information herein secured from the following sources and sources cited therein:



Blogger John Bianchi said...

Excellent article. And why am I not surprised? Jefferson was right when he wrote that most of the problems with gov't are problems of too much gov't. It's time for a Libertarian to roll the clock back on these guys.

3:23 PM  

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